Opening Spaces is heard on Regina community radio at 91.3 fm, or on the internet at The program examines social and environmental issues, and is heard Friday mornings at 10, with a re-broadcast Monday mornings at 9.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Community Supported Agriculture Potluck

When: Sunday, March 18 at Potluck at 5:30pm, Presentation at 6:30pm.

Where: Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre, 2900 13th Ave, Regina

Join Regina EcoLiving and Farmer Direct Cooperative for an informative and inspring workshop on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

CSA is a partnership of mutual commitment between a farm and a community of supporters which provides a direct link between the production and consumption of food. Members of a CSA invest in a farm each spring and receive fresh produce, meat and eggs throughout the summer and fall (some products throughout the winter as well). The advantages with CSA is that you get the opportunity to know the area where your food is being grown, you get to know the farmers who grow your food, and you get an opportunity to learn more about sustainble agriculture by helping out at harvest etc.

The workshop will feature a presentation and discussion by Keith and Monica Neu who are certified organic farmers out of Hudson Bay, SK. Keith and Monica are interested in starting a CSA and would like to know if people in Regina are interested in joining.

Come out and learn more about CSA! Meet farmers who are dedicated to sustainable agriculture and healthy food! Learn how you can eat more locally and how you can get more involved in the production of your own food! Try samples of locally grown food (Keith has promised to bring some products including organic ground beef for people to bring home and try!)

Please bring a dish to share, and your own plate, a fork and a glass.

This is a family friendly event, everyone is welcome!

For more information: contact Regina EcoLiving at or call 546-3676


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